Come to Life, come to Blue Nutrition

You will never find anyone who is completely satisfied with the skin. Once in a while, you must be either thinking about your pimples growing rapidly, or the sun tan. Sometimes, it’s the pigmentation that knocks you down and sometimes, it’s the dirt that clings to your skin and causes severe changes in the texture and resulting in various skin issues. Everyone has their own skin type which at times can be difficult to handle. To make you out of such situations, Beauty Relay brings a unique range with special ingredient that you would not have ever heard before.

Blue Nutrition, the name itself suggests the nutrition filled skincare products which are especially crafted for all skin types. Beauty Relay presents a brand new range of personal care products which has ‘Algae” i.e. phycocyanin as its main component. Rich in nutrients, vitamins and both fatty and amino acids, Phycocyanin decreases inflammation, tones the skin and encourages cell turnover to promote a more youthful-looking complexion. It has powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and can fight free radicals.  It contains tyrosine, vitamin E and selenium, all of which are known for their anti-ageing effects. The antioxidants present in it eliminate free radicals which are responsible for skin ageing. Thus, giving a try to such beneficial range is a must. Suitable for all skin types, all products of Blue Nutrition are gentle on skin. Keeping in mind, the adversity and variability of human kind, Blue Nutrition is keenly developed for responsibly taking care of each skin type. Phycocyanin is a blue-green alga that has been around since the beginning of time. It contains protein and almost all known antioxidants including Vitamins C, B1, B5 and B6, zinc, manganese, copper and Vitamin E. Having such an ingredient in your skincare will prove beneficial for your skin. Treat it well and your skin will love you back.

If you are always fighting a losing battle with dehydrated, dull and dry skin, then it is about time that you make use of this range in order to nourish and moisturize your skin. Adding this blue super-food into your skincare routine can improve your skin’s ability to hold onto moisture. It’s also rich in antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals, increase firmness and skin texture plus reduce signs of aging. Blue Nutrition is actually amalgamation of many essential components that your skin must be in need of. So get your skin benefited by Blue Nutrition range.

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